
Question 1 (1 point)Save Question 1Save
Correctly match the following terms related to motor control withtheir appropriate description.

Involved with forming the intention to move.

Involved with distributing motor plan to appropriate motorunits.

Involved with forming the plan of movement, including jointtrajectories and postural stabilizations.

Highest Level of motor control hierarchy.
Middle level of motor control hierarchy.
Local level of motor control hierarchy
Question 2 (1 point)Save Question 2Save
Which of the following selection/s will correctly complete thesentence: If the golgi tendon organs in the tendons of your rightelbow flexors were activated, it would cause an inhibition of_______________?

Right elbow flexors

Right elbow extensors

Left elbow flexors

More than one of the above
Question 3 (1 point)Save Question 3Save
Which of the following selection/s correctly completes thesentence: If you step down on a tack with your right foot, theresulting reflex would activate ___________ and inhibit_________.

right leg flexors; right leg extensors

right leg extensors; left leg flexors

left leg extensors; left leg flexors

More than one of the above selections correctly completes thesentence.
Question 4 (1 point)Save Question 4Save
A stroke to the primary motor cortex in the right hemisphere wouldlikely cause ____________.

hypertonicity in muscles on the right side of the body

hypertonicity in muscles on the left side of the body

hypotonicity in muscles on the right side of the body

hypotonicity in muscles on the left side of the body

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
28 Sep 2019

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