
What are the steps in the scientific method?

If I wanted to understand how adolescents feel about theirrelationship with their parents, how would I do thefollowing:
State a Research Question (3 points):
State a hypothesis (5 points):
State an operational definition (4 points):

What is Evolutionary Psychology (2 points):

David Buss was an evolutionary psychologist that talked abouttraits that might seem maladaptive but really could be useful. Listfour or five traits that still exist today yet we might questiontheir usefulness (5 points):

Why (relating your view to your understanding of evolutionarypsychology) do these traits continue (5 points):

Relate evolutionary psychology to gender and draw on the video fromclass to help you frame your explanation (8 points):

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
28 Sep 2019

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