
Protection of a single endangered species in the United Statesinvolves the expenditure of millions of dollars of public andprivate funds for such actions as purchase of conservation lands,stormwater controls and habitat restoration.
Question Details
Protection of a single endangered species in the United Statesinvolves the expenditure of millions of dollars of public andprivate funds for such actions as purchase of conservation lands,stormwater controls and habitat restoration.

In light of these financial costs, write a 700 to 1000 word essayon the potential costs to the ecosystem from the loss of a singleendangered species, including how the extinction may affect othercomponents of the ecosystem and its biodiversity.

Use Anthem’s eGlobal Library to research this topic, providing atleast 5 specific citations to support your essay. Citations must becomplete and are not included in the word count.

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
28 Sep 2019

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