
a) Why might selection have favored the preference female sage grouse have for the male sage grouse mating display? That is, what might males be signaling with this behavior, and why might it be in a female’s interest to choose a male based on his display?

b) What is the name of the mating system exhibited by great crested grebes, and what may have been one selective factor explaining why it evolved?

C) Propose a different hypothesis for why selection might have favored the preference female bowerbirds exhibit for blue coloration. (Isn't the reason why bowerbirds prefer the blue coloration is because it may be similar in color as to one of their resources attracting female bowerbirds to mate with them?)

- can someone also check if my answer to this question is correct (letter d).

d) Propose a hypothesis for why selection might have favored the preference females have for bower-building in male satin bowerbirds? That is, what might males be signaling with this behavior, and why might it be in a female’s interest to choose a male based on his display?

Bower building males signal females that their nest is the most suitable to lay their eggs and reproduce. It would be in the females best interest to choose a bowerbird with the best bower build because it is a preference that has been passed on in the species and by doing so its offspring will also choose intricate bower building mates.

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
28 Sep 2019
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