
Q1. Which of the following statements is true about the disease Kuru?
Kuru is caused by a virus, which is contracted by eating human brain material.
Kuru is caused by a prion (PrP), which is contracted by eating human brain material.
Kuru is caused by a recessive allele for PrP; if a person has two copies, he or she will develop Kuru.
Kuru is caused by a dominant allele for PrP; if a person has two copies, he or she will develop Kuru.
Kuru is caused by having one copy of the dominant allele and one copy of the recessive allele for PrP.

Q2. True or false: One can calculate the frequency of alleles in a population if the genotypes of the members of the population are known.

True False

Q3. The Hardy-Weinberg equation is p2 + 2pq + q2. In this equation, q2 stands for the frequency of ____________ in a population.

The recessive allele O

ne of the homozygous genotypes

The dominant allele

Heterozygous genotype

Q4. Which of the following descriptions best fits the relationship between the terms gene, allele, locus, and chromosome?

Alleles are different forms of a gene, which can be found at a locus on a chromosome.

Genes are made up of chromosomes, which can be found at a locus on an allele.

Chromosomes are different forms of a gene, which can be found at an allele on a locus.

A locus is made up of alleles, which can be found at a gene on a chromosome.

Q5. Mead and his colleagues proposed a hypothesis for the apparent heterozygote advantage for the PrP locus. What did they suggest as the basis for the high presence of both alleles?
History of cannibalism.
Protection from malaria.
Protection against plague.
They did not propose a heterozygotic advantage for the PrP locus.

Q7. A frog population has two alleles for skin color at the following relative frequencies: Allele SC1= 0.8, Allele SC2 = 0.2. Allele SC2 is:
Impossible to determine dominance from the information given.

Q8. A bird population has two alleles for feather color at the following relative frequencies: Allele FC1 = 0.5, Allele FC2 = 0.5. Allele FC1 is:
Impossible to determine dominance from the information given.

Q9. Use the following information for both questions 9 and 10: You encounter a few populations of millipedes with variation in skin color. Genotype can be inferred from coloration: CC millipedes are black, Cc millipedes are brown, and cc millipedes are yellow. [You can launch a calculator byclicking here.]

If one millipede population has 60 black individuals, 20 brown individuals, and 20 yellow individuals, what is the relative frequency of allele C in that population?

Impossible to calculate from the information given.

Q10. If another millipede population's allele frequencies are 0.5 for C and 0.5 for c, what is the expected frequency of the cc genotype in the population, if the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
Impossible to calculate from the information given.

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
28 Sep 2019
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