
1. Biomes - Match the biome with itsdescription.
Potential Matches:
1 : Coniferous forest
2 : Temperate forest
3 : Tundra
4 : Tropical rainforest
5 : Grassland
6 : Wetland
7 : Estuary
8 : Desert
: Caribou, musk ox and lemmingsare common, along with permafrost, mosses and lichens.
: May be hot or cold, but alwaysvery dry.
: Long snowy winters and shortsummers allow for cone-bearing evergreen trees to flourish.
: Spectacular displays of colorin the fall occur before deciduous trees drop their leaves.
: Plentiful rainfall and warmyear round temperatures produce a habitat home to the greatestdiversity of plants and animals.
: Mostly treeless expanse knownfor large herds of grazing mammals.
: Home to migrating waterfowl,this type of biome is important in reducing flooding and improvingwater quality.
: Transition area between a riverand an ocean with salinity ranging from nearly that of freshwaterto that of the oceans.
2 Genetics - Match the terms with the mostsuitable description.
(Points : 16)
Potential Matches:
1 : recessive
2 : sex-linked
3 : pleiotropy
4 : carrier
5 : dominant
6 : phenotype
7 : polygenic
8 : genotype
: An allele that can be expressedby an individual that is heterozygous.
: The genetic make-up of anindividual.
: The control of more than onephenotypic character by a single gene.
: The visible physical expressionof an individual's genetic make-up.
: An allele that can only beexpressed when an individual is homozygous.
: A trait controlled by more thanjust a single pair of alleles.
: A trait controlled by a genelocated on either the X or Y chromosomes.
: An individual carrying only oneallele of a recessively inherited disorder.
3. Evolution - Match the terms with the mostsuitable description.
(Points : 16)
Potential Matches:
1 : hybrid sterility
2 : habitat isolation
3 : hybrid inviability
4 : geographic isolation
5 : mechanical isolation
6 : gamete mortality
7 : temporal isolation
8 : behavioral isolation
: Because of a single mutation ina developmental gene, two closely related species of wasps have aslightly different anatomy of their sex organs making interbreedingimpossible.
: Two species of snakes aremorphologically very similar but breed during differentseasons.
: Two similar species oftreehoppers live and feed on two separate species of trees.
: Males of two species of birdsuse different mating dances to attract their mates.
: Due to a geographic barrier, asmall portion of a population remains isolated and its gene pooldiverges from that of the original population.
: Sperm from a male of onespecies dies in the reproductive tract of the female of a differentspecies before fertilization can occur
: Mules are a cross between adonkey and a horse; they are viable, healthy animals, but theycannot reproduce.
: A cross between two species ofsalamanders yields offspring, but they do not survive long enoughto reproduce

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Sep 2019

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