
1.name of tissues, characteristics, where they can be found inthe body, functions, classification, composition of each type oftissues

2.different types of cell junctions, definition, functions,examples of organ containing those junctions

3.structure which creates those cell junctions

4.basal lamina and reticular lamina definition

5.difference between microvilli, cillia, and stereocilia

6.different types of glands, different types of secretoryproduct

7.classification of multicellular glands

8.example of unicellular glands and what it produces

9.different method of secretions, merocribe, apocrine,holocrine, their examples

10.definition of endothelium and mesothelium

11.different types of cells and fibers in connective tissues

12.two different types of embryonic connective tissue and wherethey can be found

13. Difference between parenchyme and stroma and how they relateto tissue repair

14.difference between blast cells and cyte

15. 3 different type of epithelial membrances, functions,location and type of epithelial tissue or connective tissue in eachmembrane

16.definition of granulation and scar tissue

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
28 Sep 2019

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