
Mike is sitting in his athletic training suitefeeling sorry for himself. He moved from Southern California toplay soccer at Northern Minnesota University (NMU) as a highlyrecruited player. All was well until he got sick with a miserablecold. He soon recovered, but now he finds himself with a lingeringdry cough and difficulty catching his breath any time he exertshimself, which is every day! He also notices it has gotten worse asthe weather has become colder. To make things worse, Mike feels,and looks, like he's out of shape, so his coach has beencriticizing him for dogging it. A few days later, Mike relays hisstory to JP, the head athletic trainer at NMU. "I'm thinking mycold is coming back, or something else is wrong with me. When I'mjust hanging out, like now, I feel fine. But as soon as I start torun I get winded and can't stop coughing." JP listens to Mike'sbreathing sounds with his stethoscope, but hears nothing abnormal.So he tells Mike to come back as soon as the symptoms return duringsoccer practice. Twenty minutes later, Mike is back in the athletictraining suite, audibly wheezing, coughing, and short of breath.The team physician, Dr. McInnis, happens to be there and performs acomplete physical exam. He also does pulmonary function tests withMike using spirometry, including a forced vital capacity (FVC) andforced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1). He instructs Mike totake a maximal inhalation and then exhale as forcefully andmaximally as possible into the spirometer. Based on his findings,Dr. McInnis tells Mike he thinks he is experiencing cold-inducedbronchoconstriction (also called cold-induced asthma), which ismade worse by exertion. The doctor explains to Mike that his recentupper respiratory infection probably inflamed his airways, makingthem hypersensitive and reactive to irritants, such as cold andphysical exertion. When Mike exercises in the cold, autumnafternoons of Minnesota, his sensitive airways temporarilybronchoconstrict, causing the symptoms he is experiencing. Asthmais almost always a reversible condition. Dr. McInnis prescribes twopuffs of an albuterol inhaler, to be used 10 minutes before a boutof exercise in the cold.

Several physical factors that influence theefficiency of pulmonary ventilation are compliance, alveolarsurface tension, and airway resistance. Briefly describe eachfactor and identify the one that is affecting Mike's efficiency ofbreathing.

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
28 Sep 2019

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