
I know that the pancreas secretesprocarboxypeptidase, chymotrypsinogen, andtrypsinogen that help break down proteins in the small intestineand that these in essence break down larger proteins into di- andtri- peptides and amino acids. Amino acids are thentransported through the cells liningthe small intestine and into theblood. The di- and tri- peptides are transported intothe cells lining the small intestine where intracellular peptidasesconvert them into amino acids that then enter the blood. But myquestion is where is all this hapeening in the SI? i know thepancreatic enzymes are released into the duodenum or beggining ofthe SI but does this enzymatic breakdown of proteins continuethroughout or just in the duodenum and same for absorbtion, doesthis occur throughout the SI or just in the Ileum? Also, could youconsider the breakdown of proteins in the small intestine chemicalor just enzymatic?

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
28 Sep 2019

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