
Biomarkers are molecular or cellular changes in human tissuesthat can be used as a specific marker for a disease such as cancer.Identifying biomarkers for earlier detection of cancer or fordetermining the likelihood of cancer progression is an area ofextremely active research. While researchers had originally hopedto identify a single biomarker common to all cancers, they havesince revised their identification strategies because singlebiomarkers do not seem to be capable of the specificity andsensitivity levels necessary for routine clinical use.

What are some of the primary reasons why a single cancer biomarkeris no longer believed to be realistic? Specifically, what are someexamples of variables that can reduce the specificity of cancerbiomarkers?

What is meant by the “peptidome hypothesis,” and how can it be usedto identify novel biomarkers? Why is the blood peptidomeparticularly well-suited to identification of novel biomarkers ofcancer, specifically?

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
28 Sep 2019

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