
The broad-leafed cattail (Typha latifolia) is found inabundance in freshwater habitats, and the narrow-leafed cattail(Typha angustifolia) is commonly restricted to more salinehabitats. Two alternative hypotheses have been proposed to accountfor these patterns of distribution. The first hypothesis is thatT. latifolia is a specialist in freshwater habitats andT. angustifolia is a specialist in saline habitats. Theother hypothesis is that T. latifolia is a specialist infreshwater habitats, but T. angustifolia is a generalistand could exploit freshwater habitats, but is prevented from doingso due to competition from T. latifolia. Describe thestudy you would design to distinguish between these twohypotheses.

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
28 Sep 2019
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