
II think this is a pretty basic Hardy-Weinberg Problem, I justdon;t know how to solve it yet. Thank you for your help!

Assume a population of 800 individuals with the followinggenotypes:452 AA, 296 Aa, and 52 aa. This is the 1stgeneration.

a. Calculate the frequencies for A___ and a___. Do this fromgenotype frequencies (do NOT assume Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium)

b. Use the allele frequencies from part a to calculate theexpected genotype frequencies for AA___ Aa___ and aa__

c. Based on your allele frequencies above, how many of eachgenotype would you expect if the population of 800 people were inHardy-Weinberg Equilibrium? AA____ Aa____aa____

d. Suppose that the original population (452 AA; 296 Aa; 52 aa)experienced an epidemic of an infectious disease that kills 75% ofeach homzygous class ( AA and aa). and 25% of the heterozygotes.How many of each genotype would survive?

e. The results of part e are still the first generation, butpost-epidemic survivors. What are the new allele frequencies?

f. Assume the 1st generation post-epidemic survivors materandomly, and there is no selection, no migration, no mutation, nogenetic drift. What frequency of each genotype is expected in the2nd generation?

g. If the 2nd generation contains 350 indivduals how many ofeach genotype do you expect?

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
28 Sep 2019
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