
1. What does sex linked mean?

2. describe the meaning of the following terms: incompletedominance, co-dominance, polygenic?

3. Genes that are on the X or Y chromosomes are called?

4 The observed characteristics of an organism are called?

5. Why are plants the basis of food chains?

6. The energy to fix CO2 in the calvin cycle comes fromwhat(where)?

7. What role does water play in phottosynthesis and why?

8. In respiration, glucose is oxidized to what compounds?

9. In photosynthesis, glucose is oxidezed to what?

10. What is produced in the thylakoids duringphotosynthesis?

11. The "dark" reactions of photosynthesis takes placewhere?

12. The oxygen generated during photosynthesis comes fromwhat?

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
28 Sep 2019

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