
Cells of the pancreas (an organ located in the abdomen that is part of the digestive system) determine the set point for blood glucose (blood sugar). After a meal, glucose levels are elevated and the pancreas detects the change and produces insulin. Insulin and glucose move into the bloodstream where they are transported to different areas of the body. The insulin allows glucose to move from the bloodstream into the muscles and liver where the glucose is stored or used as energy for cellular work.

1. The scenario describes a case in which the pancreas accepts information that the body has absorbed sugar during digestion. Research diseases related to glucose levels and answer each question.

a. Describe what might happen (in relation to homeostasis) if a person’s glucose levels became too high and the pancreas did not secrete enough insulin.

b. What is the common name for this disease?

c. List the symptoms of the disease and its treatment options.

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
28 Sep 2019

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