
answer to: matching:

Complete Dominance________

Genomic Imprinting_________

Incomplete Dominance________

Co-dominance __________

Polygenic trait___________

Lethal allele______________



Sex-limited trait_________

Sex-influenced trait________

Anticipation ____________

Expressivity ____________

A. Heterozygotes have phenotypes intermediate between the phenotypes of the two homozygotes.

B. The heterozygote simultaneously expresses the phenotypes of both homozygotes.

C. Causes death at an early stage of development so that some genotypes do not appear among the progeny.

D. The percentage of individuals having a particular phenotype that exhibit the expected phenotype.

E. The phenotype of the heterozygote is the same as the phenotype of one of the homozygotes.

F. A trait determined by an autosomal gene that is more easily expressed in one sex

G. A trait determined by an autosomal gene that is expressed in only one sex

H. A trait determined by genes at many loci

I. The expression of a trait is affected by the sex of the parent that transmits the gene to the offspring

J. The trait appears earlier or more severely in succeeding generations

K. Degree to which a trait is expressed

L. A gene affects more than one phenotype

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
28 Sep 2019
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