
The drosophila alleles for black body (instead of the normal tancolor, which is the wild type) and curved wings (instead of thewild-type straight wings) are both recessive and on chromosome 2.Gene “C” designates color, with alleles C representing the dominanttan allele and c representing the recessive black allele, whilegene “W” designates the wing shape gene with W being the dominantstraight allele and w the recessive curved allele. You need todiscover how close together these two genes are on chromosome 2.You place one male from a pure breeding stock and one female from apure breeding stock (these are the ‘parental’ or ‘generation zero’(G0) flies) into vial 1. The offspring of this cross (cross 1)hatch in vial 1. These offspring (Generation 1, G1) areheterozygous for both genes. You perform the cross from the abovequestion and get 500 offspring in vial 2 (these are the G2 flies).Among these G2 flies, 65 have tan bodies and curved wings, 70 haveblack bodies and straight wings, 190 have black bodies and curvedwings, and 175 have tan bodies and straight wings. What are thegenotypes of offspring with parental phenotypes? What are thegenotypes of the recombinant offspring? wo true breedingparents (G0) gave rise to the doubly heterozygous (G1) flies invial 1. What were the genotypes of these parents? Whatis the percent of recombinants for these two genes? Ifthe two genes were actually on different chromosomes, whatphenotypic distribution would you expect in the G2 flies (insteadof 65 tan curved, 70 black straight, 190 black curved, and 175 tanstraight)? If the two genes were actually on differentchromosomes and you crossed the heterozygous flies to each other(did a self cross) what phenotypic distribution would you expectfrom the offspring?

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
28 Sep 2019
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