
Match each of the descriptions given below (symptoms, geographicdistribution, mode of transmission, etc.) with the viral diseasethat is the most likely cause. (Hint: look up all of the virusesand the diseases they cause, then try to do the problem.)

A yellow fever

B herpes (HSV-2)

C measles (rubeola)

D rotovirus

E ebola fever

F rabies

G HPV-16 (human papilloma virus)

H smallpox

1.The patient, who is a sexually active young adult, has genitalwarts.

2. The patient is a baby who was hospitalized because ofdehydration due to severe diarrhea. Patient also displays vomitingand low grade fever. An electronmicrograph of a stool sample showsa nonenveloped virus with an icosahedral symmetry (sort of round)that is about 70 nm in diameter.

3. The disease is an extremely severe hemmorhagic fever that isthought to be transmitted by contact with blood or bodily fluidsfrom an infected person (or possibly an animal but the naturalreservoir for this virus is currently unknown). An electronmicrograph shows the virus to be filamentous. Infections arefrequently fatal with most cases occurring in The Rebublic ofCongo, Zaire and Uganda.

4. The disease is a hemmorhagic fever that is transmitted bymosquitoes. An electron micrograph shows the virus to have anenveloped icosahedral capsid. The disease used to be common in Cubaand Panama. A patient suffers from internal bleeding that resultsin jaundice.

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
28 Sep 2019

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