
Module 11 Discussion: Animal Testing

This module we learned about animals. Animals are very important in our day-to-day lives. Furthermore, you are an animal! One way animals influence our day-to-day lives is as subjects for animal testing.

This module’s discussion board will have 3 parts.

1.) What are the good parts of animal testing?

2.) What are the bad parts of animal testing?

3.)What are your overall feelings concerning animals testing? Is it something we as a society should engage in?

Keep in mind that animal testing goes beyond the cosmetics industry. Animal testing is also used in medical research and biological research in general. Therefore, please try to do a bit of internet research to get exposure to animal testing in general.

Required: one initial post with a minimum of 250 words. You do not need to respond to other students unless you want to. You'll only be graded on the initial post. However, spelling and grammar count for everything that you do. Please do not submit your response by uploading a file. These files will not be accepted. All responses must be entries into the discussion post.

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
28 Sep 2019

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