
Which processes contribute directly to genetic variaion?

? What is meant by ploidy? Diploid? Haploid?

? Know the phases of meiosis?

? Know the differences between meiosis and mitosis.

? What is the major difference between metaphase of mitosis and metaphase I of meiosis?

? What is the major difference between meiosis II & mitosis?

? What is crossing over? ? What is synapsis?

? What are chiasmata?

? What are autosomes?

? What are sex chromosomes? What are the sex chromosomes in human male? Human female?

? What are homologous chromosomes?

? What is genetic recombination?

? What is fertilization? What are gametes?

? What are histones? What is chromatin?

? How many autosomes do humans have? Have many pairs of autosomes? How many pairs of sex chromosomes? What is the total number of chromosomes that human have? ? What are the sites of crossing over called?

? What is a karyotype?

? What is Down syndrome?

? What is polyploidy?

? What is nondisjunction?

? What is trisomy and monosomy

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
28 Sep 2019
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