
1. (Problem 2) Why is the relation between genotype and phenotype frequently complex for quantitative characteristics?

Multiple genes are involved.
The alleles are usually recessive.
The environment often influences the phenotype.
Answers A and B are both correct.
Answers A and C are both correct.

2. (Problem 6) How is the standard deviation related to the variance?

The standard deviation is the difference between the mean and the variance.
The standard deviation is the square of the variance.
The standard deviation is the square root of the variance.
The standard deviation is the square root of the difference between the mean and the variance.
The standard deviation is the square of the difference between the mean and the variance.

3. (Problem 7) What information does the correlation coefficient provide about the association between two variables?

How strongly two variables are associated
The difference in the mean values of two variables
The magnitude of the difference between two variables
The difference in standard deviation between two variables
The extent to which each variable deviates from its mean

4. (Problem 10) Narrow-sense heritability is due to what type of genetic variance?

Genic interaction
Genetic by environment interaction

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
28 Sep 2019

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