
not too details, just main points please...

1. What you should know about microtubles

- MT structure, what they are made of

- MT function

- Motor proteins(kinesins&dyneins)

- How kinesins move, coupling to ATP hydrolysis

- Microtubule Organizing Center (MTOC), how MTs are nucleated

- MT dynamics, how it's affected by drugs and MAPs

- dynamic instability and how its linked to GTP/GDP cycle

- cilia/flagella, axoneme structure

- how cilia/flagella move and the role of dynein

-intra-flagellar transport

2. What you should know about actin filaments

- F-actin structure

- F-actin Function

- Motor proteins (myosins)

- Actin dynamics, how it's affected by actin-binding proteins

- the concept of critical concentration

- actin/myosin structure and function in the contezt of muscle

- how muscle contract

- actinomyosin cycle (myosin movement), coupling to ATP hydrolysis

- How cells move and change shape, using actin

3. What you should know about IF

- IF strcuture, what they are made of

- IF function, roles inside and outside cells

- Regulation of nuclear IF in the cell cycle

- be able to compare major features of IF, Actin, and MTs

Bacterial cytoskeleton, that bacteria have proteins that

- polymerize

-affect cell shape, cytokinesis, ect.

- play analogous roles to MT, F-actin

4. what you should know about the cell cycle

- parts of the cell cycle, stages of mitosis

- MPF; how it was identified, what it is made of (cyclin and cdk)

- Universality of cyclin/Cdks (in yeast, frogs, etc.)

-how Cdk activity is regulated (many mechanisms)

- how Cdks function (by phosphorylation)

- how multiple cdks divide their function

- how the spindle is formed and mistakes corrected

- the role of motors and MY dynamics in above

- the tolr of proteolysis in mitotic transitions

- what a checkpoint is

- how checkpoints provide an additional layer of cell cycle regulation in case of damage

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
28 Sep 2019

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