
“KETO OS” is a play on words for the process of ketosis, where carbohydrate is severely limited and the body goes into starvation mode. In starvation mode, the body starts to burn fat, releasing ketones in the body. This is a process that is called “ketosis” and is the basis of the ketogenic diet. The Pruvit promotional video describe these ketones as: “Thousands of little motivational speakers running through your body. They give you energy, they give you focus, and they make you feel incredible, and yes they make the fat fall off your body because it is finally being burned off and no longer being guarded by the carbs or protein.” We will critique this claim in the next 2 questions.

a. Given that ketosis is a process that occurs when the body goes into starvation mode, why is it problematic to call ketones “little motivational speakers” that help to aid in “focus and fat loss?”

b. What is in this product that might be helping aid in “focus,” especially during athletic performance? How might this impact weight loss?

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019

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