
PCR Amplification, sequencing and Genetic identification of Prokaryotes

1. Compare DNA replication in a typical cell to the synthetic DNA replication that happens during the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Fill in the missing information that describes how each process is accomplished (i.e. enzyme name or other method) in each. Two answers are given as example:

Event Cell PCR
Unwinding of DNA Strands DNA Helicase
Primer Synthesis Synthetic primers added
New DNA Strand synthesis

2. Heating proteins to 94°C would destroy the function of most human or bacterial enzymes, including DNA Polymerase. How is this avoided during the DNA strand synthesis step in PCR?

3. What are the two major factors that influence the rate at which DNA amplicons move through an electrophoresis gel?

4. What are the three most significant features of the 16S rRNA gene that make it an excellent choice for DNA homology analysis and identification in bacteria?

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Sep 2019

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