
When (glucose, lactose) ___________ levels inside a bacterial cell are low, cyclicAMP levels are (high, low) __________. This is because metabolizes sugars (activate, inhibit) ___________ the enzyme adenylate cyclase, and (activate, inhibit) __________ the enzyme cAMP phosphodiesterase, causing cyclic AMP levels to rise. Consequently, the CAP protein is (Activated, inhibited, unaffected) ___________ by the cyclic AMP and binds to the lac promoter region, and the CAP protein acts like a sigma factor recruiting (DNA, RNA) ___________ polymerase to the promoter. This establishes condition that may lead to the (transcription, replication) __________ of the lac operon if (allolactose, glucose, lactose) _____________ is available to bind to (lac repressor, lacZ, lacY, lacA) _________ protein keeping this protein from binding to the (lacO, lacZ. lacY, lacA) ___________ gene.

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
28 Sep 2019
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