
1. Incidental food additives include all of the following, except:

a. Glass fragments

c. Metal fragments

b. Nitrates

d. Insect parts

2. Which of the following is not important to look for when buying foods, in terms of reducing your chances of getting food poisoning?

a. Dirt on the leaves of produce

c. Bulging cans

b. Broken seals or “popped” lids on jars

d. Thawed frozen items

3. Which of the following should NOT be used to thaw frozen meats?

a. Refrigerator thawing

d. Responses a. and b.

b. Defrost at room temperature

e. Responses b. and c.

c. Defrost in microwave

4. The most dangerous type of food poisoning, in terms of potential death, is caused by:

a. Salmonella

c. Staphylococcus

b. Botulinum

d. Streptococcus

5. Someone who suffers a bout of diarrhea is almost always showing signs of food poisoning.

a. True

b. False

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
28 Sep 2019

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