
Please read the article and answer the questions, here's the link for article


1. Who is the author/who are the authors of the original, peer-reviewed journal article?

2. What is the lead author’s institutional affiliation? (Where does he or she work? If there are multiple lead authors, please include all their affiliations.)

3. In what journal is the original, peer-reviewed article published?

4. What is the main finding of the study? That is, what is the new thing that the researchers learned, the reason is it in the news? Please quote the article directly. You may include more than one quote.

5. What evidence from the original research study supports the finding? What did the researchers do in their study? How do they know that their claim is correct? Please quote the article directly. You may include more than one quote.

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
28 Sep 2019
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