
. You are given a sample of muscle tissue which contains many individual cells. The cells have an osmolarity of 290 mOsm. All of the ions and substances within the cell are non penetrating. The tissue is minced and digested with enzymes to liberate individual muscle cells. You are given an unknown solution which you are told is hyperosmotic to the cells. The total osmolarity of this solution is 390 mOsm with ¾ of the solutes in this solution being non penetrating solutes. You place the isolated muscle cells in this solution. What happens to the cells when you place them in this solution?

a. The cells will definitely remain the same size
b. The cells will swell slightly
c. The cells will shrink slightly
d. The cells will either remain the same size or swell, but they will not shrink
e. There is not enough information given in the problem to determine what happens, the cells may shrink, stay the same size or swell

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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
28 Sep 2019

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