
Corn (maize) was domesticated around 9,000 years ago through artificial selection. Ancient farmers selectively planted kernels from plants with desirable traits, such as bigger kernels, ease of harvest, and better taste. During this time, the wild ancestor of maize, teosinte, has been under natural selection that favors those traits that improve the chance of survival and reproduction in the wild. Maize and teosinte look different in many ways. Assign the following pairs of traits to their respective species by circling the correct response, then provide a hypothesis to explain why these traits were favored during natural or artificial selection in the space allotted.

Trait #1: In (maize or teosinte), the seed is encased in a hard fruit case. This trait may be favored during (artificial or natural) selection because __________________________________. In (maize or teosinte), the seed is exposed. This trait may be favored during (artificial or natural) selection because _________________________________________________.

Trait #2: In (maize or teosinte), the plant has one main stalk. This trait may be favored during (artificial or natural) selection because ___________________________________. In (maize or teosinte), the plant has many branches. This trait may be favored during (artificial or natural) selection because ____________________________________.

Trait #3: In (maize or teosinte), the ear breaks apart to release individual kernels at maturity. This trait may be favored during (artificial or natural) selection because ___________________________________________. In (maize or teosinte), the ear remains intact at maturity. This trait may be favored during (artificial or natural) selection because __________________________________.

2. If both maize and teosinte are grown in the wild, which species is more likely to proliferate? Why?

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
28 Sep 2019

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