
. You have two true-breeding tomato plants. One is tall (T) witha bristly stem (B) and white flowers (r). The other is short (t)with a smooth stem (b) and red flowers (R). These plants arecrossed, producing a heterozygous F1 generation that is tall withbristly stems and red flowers. You predict that self-fertilizationof the F1 generation will result in offspring that inherit theiralleles in a manner consistent with simple Mendelianinheritance.

You grow 900 F2 tomato plants and record the followingresults:
412 Tall bristly plants with red flowers
115 Tall smooth plants with red flowers
130 short bristly plants with red flowers
98 tall bristly plants with white flowers
40 short smooth plants with red flowers
56 tall smooth plants with white flowers
37 short bristly plants with white flowers
12 short smooth plants with white flowers

a. What is the expected number for each phenotype if yourhypothesis is correct?

b. How many degrees of freedom are there?

c. Is the hypothesis supported or rejected? Why?

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
28 Sep 2019

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