
microbiology double unknown

1. G+ coccus

*tiny colonies

*white colony


*Phenol Red:

PR Glu: (A/-) Yellow

PR Lac: (A/-) Yellow

PR Suc: (A/-) Yellow

*SIM test

Sulfure reduction: (-) No black

Indol: (-) No pink

Motility: (+)

*MR: (+) Red

*VP: (+) Red (redish brown)

* Red blood agar: beta hemo

*MacConkey: (-) No growth (G+)

*DNAse: (+) clearing around

*Gelatin: (+) liquid in 5 days

*Nitrate reduction: (+) red when added 2 indicators

*Citrate: (-) green

*Casein: (-) unclear

* EMB: (-) no growth

*MSA: (+) with yellow halo

*starch: (-) no clear around

2. Gram - bacillus

*tiny colonies

*yellow and sometimes red color inside of colony

*colony forming unit: Flocculent

*oxidase: (-) no blue

*Phenol Red

PR Glu: (A/-) Yellow

PR Lac: (-/-) No color change

PR Suc: (A/-) Yellow

*SIM test

Sulfur reducation: (-) No black

Indole: (-) no pink

motility: [+] little growth inside

*MR: (-) No color change

*VP: (+) red (red on the top and yellow on the bottom)

*Red blood cell Agar: alpha hemo

*MacConkey: G- and no color change (No fermentt lactose/noncoliform)

*DNAse: (+) clearing around
*Gelatin: (+) in 1 day

*Nitrate: (+) red after adding indicators

*Citrate: (+) blue

*Casein: (+) clear ........... (NOT SURE)

*EMB: poor growth

*MSA: (+) with yellow halo

*TSI: (A/A)(NG) yellow top and bottom, no gas

*Starch: (+) clear around after adding indicator

What is thename of Gram+ and Gram- Bacteria?

My instiructor gave us this bacteria list (he said someunknown bacteria can be not on the list)

B. Cereus
E. coli
E. aerogenes
E. faecalis
Streptococcus bovis
K. pneumoniae (pneumoniae
S. aureus
S. epidermidis
Moraxella Moratella Osloensis
P. vulgaris
B. subtilis
M. luteus
P. aeruginosa
Bacillus Alvei
S. marcescens
A. faecalis
Staphylococcus Saprophyticus
Alcaligenes latus
Morganella morganii
S. sonnei
C. xerosis
Listeria innocua
Proteus mirabilis
Streptococcus agaloctiae
Salmonella Choleraesais
S. mitis

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019
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