
1. Water's molecular structure of water gives rise to 4 emergent properties that facilitate life on earth. Explain how the molecular structure of water contributes to each of these properties.

Explain why the structure of carbon makes it an excellent backbone for the molecules that compose living organisms.

2. Explain how water is involved in the synthesis and breakdown of biological macromolecules. in your answer, make sure to discuss the reactions that join and break apart monomers and why water is related to these processes.

Saturated and unsaturated fats have different fluidities at room temperature. Explain why this occurs.

Use the structural differences discussed in part 1 to explain why one type of fat can harm the cardiovascular system while the other has little negative effects.

Given that starch and cellulose are both made from the same monomer, why do you think that cellulose is so much more difficult for animal digestive systems to break down?

Most living organisms are extremely sensitive to changes in temperature and pH.

Use your knowledge of protein structure and the bonds involved to explain this sensitivity. make sure to be specific about levels of structure and bonds that are disrupted when temperature or pH change significantly.

Some living organisms such as gut microorganisms able to survive in environments with extreme pHs. What kind of modifications may they have in the amino acid composition of their proteins that facilitate their adaptation to this environment?

<Cell structure and organelles>

3. Explain how the internal structure of a cell isolated from the pancreas differs from that of a muscle cell.,

Compare the structures of animal and plant cells. How are they different? how are they the same?

Edema is a medical condition that results from fluid leaking out of blood vessels into surrounding tissues. using your knowledge of animal cell junctions, hypothesize what type of junction may be malfunctioning in individuals suffering from edema and explain why you believe your hypothesis to be correct.

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
29 Sep 2019

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