
V. Brief essay questions:Please write a concise and succinct response to each one ofthe following questions; be sure to mark your answers with thecorrect essay number. I am looking for clarity and detail whichreflects your knowledge of the subject. Always include appropriateexamples, if warranted.

2. You scoop up a water sample from a localpond nearby, because you are curious about the possible microbesthat might live there. After looking at several slides that helddrops of the sample, you noticed two different kinds of cells: Onekind was very small and had no separate internal structures; theother kind was much larger, and it contained several kinds ofinternal structures that were physically different from each other.Please name each cell and briefly describe their overallsimilarities and differences.

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
29 Sep 2019

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