
A hypothetical observational breast cancer study enrolled 10,000 women age 50 and older during 1990 and followed each woman for 10 years. All women received a free medical exam, including a mammogram, at baseline and each year thereafter. All deaths were full investigated and there was no loss to follow-up. At the baseline examination, 80 women were diagnosed with having early breast cancer. Twenty of these women died during the 10 year follow-up. By the end of follow-up, 240 other women had developed breast cancer, including 30 who died from their disease. Two hundred other women (who did not develop breast cancer) died from other causes.

a. What was the prevalence of diagnosed early breast cancer in the study population at baseline?

b. What was the 10-year case-fatality “rate” in women with early breast cancer at baseline?

c. What was the cumulative incidence of breast cancer during the 10 year follow-up?

d. What was the incidence rate (incidence density) of breast cancer in the study population during the 10 year follow-up?

e. What was the breast cancer mortality rate in the study population during the 10 years?

f. What was the all-cause mortality rate in the study population during the 10 years?

g. What was the proportionate mortality for breast cancer?

h. What was the prevalence of (diagnosed) breast cancer in 2000?

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
29 Sep 2019

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