
1. Many elements in seawater are found in constant ratios throughout the ocean because

a. The input of dissolved substances from rivers is broadly constant throughout the ocean

b. Dissolved material in the ocean has been there for millions of years, with no input or removal

c. Those elements remain in the ocean longer than the mixing time

d. This is not true; no elements are generallyfound in constant ratios

2. Trace elements in seawater include

a. Chlorine and potassium

b. Sodium and aluminum

c. Iron and strontium

d. Sodium and chlorine

3. Salinity is often estimated by chlorinity because

a. Chlorine is the only major element of seawater

b. Chlorine is in constant ratio to sodium and other major elements

c. Chlorine can be separated from the rest of seawater simply by evaporation

d. Salinity is not estimated by chlorinity but by sodium concentration

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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
29 Sep 2019

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