

You believe that playing rap music has a positive effect on plant growth and color. You want to convince others of it too, so you set up an experiment. You have 8 raised beds and in each raised bed you put 20 tomato plants. You have one big isolated sound barrier and put 4 beds on each side of it and play the music on only one side of the wall.

3a What would be your null-hypothesis?

3b What would be your alternative hypothesis?

3c How many replicas are there?

3d How many treatments are there?

3e What is the treatment group?

3f What do you call the group that does not get the treatment?

3g Name 3 possible confounding factors that might influence your research.

3h What is the independent variable?

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
29 Sep 2019

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