
In cats, there is a gene that produces ticked fur (bands ofdifferent colors on each hair} called agouti (H). The recessiveallele (h) for this gene produces hair that is solid color from endto end. In addition there is another coat color gene that hasrecessive albino allele (a) that prevents the production of anycoat color pigment in the homozygous recessive genotype. These 2genes are unlinked (on diferent chromosomes). An albino female catis mated to a solid brown male cat. All of their offspring areagouti. The males and females among these offspring are allowed tofreely interbreed, producing a litter of F2 kittens.

(a) What is the genotype of the albino female cat?

(b) What is the genotype oif the solid brown male cat?

(c) What is the genotype of their agouti offspring?

(d) What is the phenotypic ratio of the F2 kittens?

(e) Use a Punnett square to predict the phenotypic ratio for furcolor among the F2 kittens (Show your work)


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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
29 Sep 2019

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