
Study Guide for my Fermentation class. Please help me be sureand study the correct things for my midterm.

Define what fermentation is, discuss the history of theprocesses, and explain why we should care to studyfermentation?

A bacterium is known to produce only Lactic Acid. Name the groupof bacteria it belongs to, and outline the process that convertsGlucose to Lactic acid, naming any major intermediate products andalternate products along the way.

What is/are the difference(s) between traditional culturestarters and starters used for mass production? What are theadvantages and disadvantages of both?

What is the difference between homolactic and heterolacticfermentation? How are these processes similar? Give examples ofdifferent ferments which utilize each pathway.

Humans and microbes have evolved symbiotically over time througha process known as symbiogenesis. Bacterial fermentation to producefoods is included in this symbiotic evolution, but only recently.More than the majority of this symbiogenesis is a result ofinteractions between microbes and the human body. Give specificexamples of symbiotic relationships between microbes and our bodiesand the benefits of these relationships. Why are bacteria sucheffective coevolutionary partners?

Explain/examine the cultural significance of 3 of the fermentedproducts we have studied thus far.

In which ways is fermentation similar and different in othercultures when compared to fermentation practices utilized in theUnited States today? Explain and discuss 3 examples.

Your task is to write a complete set of instructions for abeginner with no equipment or knowledge of fermentation, describe abasic recipe and explan the tools you would need and theinformation you must know in order to complete the simple ferment.Tell why each tool or ingredient is used, provide a step by stepguide to your ferment, and reasoning behind why you decided to dowhat you did.

In American health today, we have a rise of the use ofmedications that cause the death of natural gut bacteria; this hasled to many health problems. Rises in leaky gut syndrome all theway to mental illnesses that could be linked to the insufficientpresence of healthy gut bacteria. Discuss this issue in more depthand explain how fermentation may be a solution.

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
29 Sep 2019

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