5 Jul 2018


-When viewed under polarized light, the dark staining bands are the A bands.

-The Z line is comprised of thick filaments attached to interconnecting proteins, delineating the ends of the sarcomere.

-Light staining areas of a muscle fiber viewed under polarized light are called I bands.

-The expanded portion of the axonal branch that faces a region of the sarcolemma is called a synaptic terminal.

-A space that separates the expanded tip of the axon at the neuromuscular synapse from the motor end plate is the synaptic vesicle.

-The sarcoplasmic reticulum conducts action potentials that spread across the sarcolemma into the cell.

-A muscle that opposes the action of a prime mover is a synergist.

-A muscle that assists a prime mover is an agonist.

-The fulcrum lies between the applied force and the resistance in a first-class lever.

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
8 Jul 2018

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