15 Apr 2018

You use water
then send it down the drain to the reclamation plant, which treats then discharges the water to a local river.

Downstream a potable water treatment plant provides additional treatment, sends it to someone’s home for use,
down another drain...

As you move into the workforce, your new paycheck will have tax deductions that help pay for these public health needs. At the same time, you might be one of the rising leaders in the water industry. How clean do you want your tap water and your local ecological environment? At what cost?

The Question is What agency established these standards or treatment goals?

Use these resources

National Drinking Water Standards



The tables list many constituents. Pay attention to the groupings provided by EPA, yet consider other groupings such as

 limit levels;

 type of material;

 or by type of problem caused

Additional resource: the bottom of the webpage provides a section titled “Unregulated Contaminants”. This is an introduction to the process of considering whether a compound should be added to the drinking water regulations. Find one or more current articles on the issues associated with one compound on the Unregulated Contaminants list.

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
18 Apr 2018

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