13 May 2019

As a person who is passionate about birth and aspires to be a birth worker such as a doula or midwife, I have watched a movie called, "Microbirth," which is about how the way a baby is delivered and fed after birth affects their microbiome. There are differences in the microbiome of a formula fed baby vs a breastfed baby, c-section vs delivery through the birth canal. I won't go into more details but I highly recommend it. I wonder how long these things in the early life of humans affect their future.

This article was very interesting. I've believed the gut affects the immune health, digestion of course, and skin but I didn't know about the brain-gut connection. That the microbes of the intestines would affect the mental health and mood of a person makes a lot of sense. I wonder about the ways we can have a healthy microbiome and correct an unhealthy one. Probiotics seem like they may be helpful but I'm unsure because of the lack of research. Overuse of antibacterial products may be harmful which is the opposite of what most believe.

Is this true and why?

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
13 May 2019

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