5 Oct 2018

Case study:

Aviva lives in New York City and works as a software developer. She is 25 years old, 5′5″ tall, and, at 160 pounds, she is overweight. Aviva's fast-paced day typically starts at 6 a.m. when she gets up for work. She is always in a rush in the mornings, and routinely grabs a quick breakfast of an instant drink or a breakfast bar and a cup of coffee with cream as she walks to the subway. Aviva works long hours at her job and has a heavy workload that keeps her tied to her desk. Around 1 p.m. every day, she takes a short break to grab lunch at the deli next door. She is in the habit of getting the same sandwich every day, generally a prepackaged corned beef or pastrami hoagie with the works: lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, mustard, and melted cheese, accompanied by a small bag of jalapeno potato chips. Aviva usually orders a 32-oz. cola, and when she is feeling particularly stressed by a difficult work situation, she picks up a triple chocolate chunk cookie to eat at her desk. Chocolate chip cookies are Aviva's favorite comfort food and remind her of happy times on family movie nights. By the time Aviva leaves work, it is usually 8:00 p.m. or later. She walks to the subway station one block from her office and heads home. Once home, she frequently heats up her favorite frozen dinner, barbequed chicken and garlic mashed potatoes with a side of creamed corn. She finds the mashed potatoes to be comforting after a long and tense day at work. Most of Aviva's meals are takeout food or frozen meals from the grocery store. She is generally too tired to cook, and she likes the taste of convenient meals. Her freezer is always full of frozen pizzas, large-portion heat-and-serve meals, and frozen burritos. Each evening she enjoys an hour or two of television, and reads over some papers from work before fixing a hot fudge sundae for herself and heading to bed. One day her company holds a blood pressure screening for all of its employees and Aviva decides to participate. Aviva is shocked to find out that at age 25, she has elevated blood pressure. She start noticing that she has gained weight, and that she lacks some of the energy she had in college. Because of these issues and the fact that her father died of a heart attack two years ago at age 58, Aviva decides to make some changes in her life to live longer and healthier.tomato and orange juice because she knows that fruits and vegetables are healthy choices, and because she alwayshas a supply of tomatoes from the family produce shop.After breakfast, Anna heads downstairs to work. The family store is in the downstairs portion of their house. Whileat work, Anna's brother carries the large boxes of produce into the store and stocks the shelves. Anna sits in a chairat the register and rings up sales. The store closes at 1 p.m. for lunch. In the Czech Republic, foods are generallyprepared and eaten in the home, and lunch is the largest meal of the day. Anna and her family members enjoy amid-day meal together, usually consisting of potato soup, roast pork, boiled cabbage, and dumplings. Rye orpumpernickel bread with butter are often served as well.After lunch, the store reopens until 7 p.m., at which time Anna returns upstairs for dinner. For dinner, Anna ofteneats a small sandwich of sausage on a bun. With her evening meal, she often has a glass of beer. Anna is usually inbed by 10:30 p.m., and tries to get at least eight hours of sleep to be well-rested for the next day's work. However,three times a week she joins her friends at a local bar, where they each drink three or four tall beers and smokecigarettes.Anna's mother has recently fallen ill. The doctor suspects that Anna's mother experienced a very mild heart attackand needs a period of rest and recuperation. Anna has a family history of heart disease; her grandmother died of aheart attack several years ago. Anna is worried about her mother, and she also realizes that she needs to make somelifestyle changes.

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
5 Oct 2018

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