27 Jul 2018


Please need help for


6. A linguistic anthropologist studying the situational use of language is working in the field of

a. ethnolinguistics.

b. descriptive linguistics.

c. historical linguistics.

d. sociolinguistics.

7. An anthropologist studying the relationship between language and culture is working in the field of

a. ethnolinguistics.

b. descriptive linguistics.

c. historical linguistics.

d. sociolinguistics.

8. Studying sound and grammatical systems in a specific language is the work of a/an

a. ethnologist.

b. historical linguist.

c. sociolinguist.

d. descriptive linguist.

9. Prehistoric archaeologists work with which of the following?

a. artifacts, ecofacts, and features

b. artifacts, features, and grammar systems

c. contemporary religious systems, artifacts, and ecofacts

d. artifacts, grammar systems, and contemporary religious systems

10. An example of an ethnography is a/an

a. study of chimpanzee language.

b. excavation of an archaeological site.

c. description of the residents of a retirement home in southern California.

d. study of rates of disease in prehistoric populations.


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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
29 Jul 2018

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