7 May 2019

Short answers( Just few words) Basic bio, answer them all and I will rate you

1-What type of tissue is the epidermis? What germ layer is it derived from?

2-What does it mean that the epidermis is avascular? Virtually all cells of the human body are within 20 µm of a capillary. Do some of the cells of the epidermis fly in the face of this general rule?

3-Epidermal ridges and dermal papillae increase the surface area for attachment of the epidermis to the dermis. What are the structures that lag the epidermis down to the dermis?

4-What is the most apical stratum of the epidermis? Visceral? Which layer is not present in thick skin?

5-Thick skin has five strata and thin has four, but this is not the primary reason why thick skin is so much thicker than thin skin. What is the primary reason?

6-What is the most abundant cell in the epidermis of your skin? What other cells are located in the epidermis? In which stratum are the cells you identified located?

7-How long does it take a keratinocyte produced in the stratum germinativum to be sloughed off the surface of the epidermis?

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
9 May 2019

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