9 Oct 2018

1-1 What are the goals of psychology? 1-2 The main point of psychodynamic perspective. 1-3 The maslow’s hierarch of needs 1-4 Demonstrate the explanation of aggression by psychodynamic, behaviorist and humanistic psychologist. 2-1 The principles of perception? 2-2 Describe the deductive and inductive reasoning. 2-3 Definition of motivation 3-1 The formula of IQ calculation in Stanford–Binet Intelligence test. 3-2 Deifnition of project test? 3-3 What is clinical interview? Describe the elements and benefits of clinical interview. 3-4 Demonstrate the techniques of clinical interview. 4-1 what is the difference between emotion and mood? 4-2 According to Cannon and Taylor’ theories, please state the emergency reactions to acute threats. 4-3 The three stage of GAS. 4-4 How to cope with the stress? Please describe the two strategies. 4-5 Please describe a model of stress.

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
11 Oct 2018

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