24 Feb 2019

1. the pressure that pushes sedimentary rock into fold comes froma. isostasy b. vertical forces c. horizontal compression
2. the surface feature that is produced when horizontal layers ofsedeminatary rock rise without being folded is a ___ a. anticline,b. syncline, c. plateau or d. mountain
3. several things provide evidence that granite has melted, whichof the following does NOT? a. domes, b. anticlines, c. alterationof the bottom sedentary layers by heat, d. seperation of thechemicals in granite. e. injection of ore-bearing fluids intosedentary rock above. f. none of the above or g. all of theabove
4. the crust of the earth maintains its general shape, but breaksopen ___will flow out, a. granite, b. lava, c. feldspar, d.limestone
5.t/f inland cities can become oceans
6. t/f growth rings appear only on invertebrate animals

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
24 Feb 2019

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