20 May 2019

1. Consider the 3 treatments below that alter the enzymes in the alcohol metabolism pathway in some way. For each treatment, determine how it affects the progression of the ADH pathway reactions, and how the rate, duration, and/or intensity of intoxication and hangover would be affected. Remember that intoxication is caused by alcohol, while hangover symptoms are primarily caused by acetaldehyde.

Here are several possibilities to consider: Would it cause someone to feel intoxicated after drinking just a small amount of alcohol, or would they require more alcohol to feel the effects? Would they feel intoxicated for longer or would the feeling wear off sooner? Would they experience hangover symptoms sooner or later than usual, would the symptoms persist for longer, or would they experience only a very mild/brief hangover?

Treatment A is an ADH inhibitor.

Treatment B is an ALDH inhibitor.

Treatment C increases the level of ADH in the body.

Question 2: Can alcohol be utilized to fuel the body during anaerobic exercise? Explain why or why not.

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
23 May 2019

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