9 Sep 2018

This assignment is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the complexities of sex and gender as they impact a specific group of healthcare professionals today.

Create a ten minute paper in which you tell and engaging and informative story to a target group of healthcare professionals such as radiologist, dental technicians, PTAs, respiratory therapist, or administrators.

Your story can be fun my or serious, but it should convey the following information in whatever order makes since to you:

Important biological and behavioral differences between male and females that are crucial to providing adequate care by your target group.

Include how the complexities of gender identify create challenge for healthcare professionals who must treat the biological sex of patients who identify with the opposite gender. Describe one of those differences as it relates to your target group’s field of care and explain the risk factor it poses. (6 points)

Educate your audience about how a lack of gender-base prevention, management, and therapy negatively impacts care for males and females. (4 points)

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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
10 Sep 2018

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