15 Apr 2018



Type in your answers in complete sentences, be precise and specific to earn full credit, reformat if necessary

Purpose: The purpose of this lab activity is to analyze the effect of exercise on cellular respiration

Experiment 1 Enzymes in Food

Why is cellular respiration necessary for living organisms?

Why is fermentation less effective then respiration?

List the two co-enzymes involved in cellular respiration and describe their role.

How many ATP molecules are produced in


Citric Acid Cycle

Electron Transport


Table 1. Fermentation by Yeast


Initial Gas (mm)

Final Gas (mm)

Net Change

1% Glucose Solution

1% Sucrose Solution

1% Equal Solution

1% Splenda Solution

1% Sugar Solution

Include your hypothesis for this experiment. Be specific…in other words we sure to include at least one end point you will measure to support your predictions. Natural sugar causes fermentation by producing CO2

Did you notice a difference in the rate of respiration between the sugars? Did any of the artificial sugars provide a good starting material for fermentation? Yes no artificial sugar did not provide a good starting material for fermentation as there was no change in height of gas.

Which tubes displayed evidence of anaerobic fermentation? How did you know? Due to change in gas height we can determine fermentation was occurring during to production of CO2

Hypothesize why some of the solutions were not metabolized. Research their chemical formulas.

How do the results of this experiment related to the role yeast play in baking?

Experiment 2Aerobic Respiration in Beans

How did the color of the bromothymol blue solution in each beaker change over time in each condition?

What is the mechanism driving the bromothymol blue solution color change?

What can be inferred from the color change of the bromothymol blue solution?

What evidence do you have that cellular respiration occurred in the beans? Explain your answer.

What are the controls in this experiment, and what variables do they eliminate?

If this experiment were conducted at 0 °C, what difference would you see in the rate of respiration? Why?

Table 2: Bromothymol Blue Color Change Over Time for Pinto Bean Trial


Pre-Soaked Pinto Beans

Dry Pinto Beans

No Pinto Beans

0 min

30 min

60 min

90 min

120 min

150 min

180 min

24 hours

Table 3: Bromothymol Blue Color Change Over Time for Kidney Bean Trial


Pre-Soaked Kidney Beans

Dry Kidney Beans

No Kidney Beans

0 min

30 min

60 min

90 min

120 min

150 min

180 min

24 hours

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
16 Apr 2018
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