25 Oct 2018

List below the four missing steps of the Scientific Method. Then, for each step, write a statement that illustrates how scientists applied the scientific method to the experiments described below. I have provided step four as an example.

For centuries, people noticed that plants tend to grow or lean towards a window but, prior to the 18th century, no one knew why plants responded this way. During the late 1600s to early 1700s, scientists considered several possible explanations. One idea was that plants responded to fresh air. An experiment was designed to grow several plants in two growth chambers, with light coming in from the side by a window. The only difference between the chambers was that one had the window closed so light could enter the chamber but fresh air could not enter. The other chamber had the window open so that light and fresh air could enter. The plants in both chambers grew towards the window. The results of the experiment showed that fresh air was not the reason the plants were growing or leaning towards windows.

The Five Steps of the Scientific Method:




d. Experiment and results: Scientists noted that plants leaned towards a light source but not to a fresh air source or a warm temperature source.


Homing pigeons are remarkable for their ability to return to their home roost from any direction and distance. Biologists wondered how the homing pigeons were able to determine their orientation and the direction of flight to return home. Previous studies had shown that young pigeons, taking their first flight, did not use the sun for orientation. Another idea that had been proposed was that the pigeons orient using the earth's magnetic fields that extend from the north to the south poles, much like a compass always points to the magnetic north pole. To test this idea, scientists built a flight chamber with no exposure to external light. The chambers were surrounded by a magnetic field that the scientists could adjust to change the apparent location of the magnetic north pole. Homing pigeons were placed in the chambers and given time to adjust to their new surroundings. The scientists changed the location of the apparent North Pole to several different locations around the chamber. In all cases, the pigeons maintained the same orientation relative to the adjusted magnetic North Pole. Their results provided strong evidence that homing pigeons use the earth's magnetic fields to determine their direction of flight. Since then, many experiments have shown that most other birds, as well as many other animals, use the earth's magnetic field to determine orientation and direction for migration.

The Five Steps of the Scientific Method:




d. Experiment and results: Scientists showed that homing pigeons use magnetic fields to orient their direction of flight.


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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
28 Oct 2018

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