3 Mar 2019


Snapping shrimp used to be able to swim from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean by traveling between North and South America. However, when the Isthmus of Panama appeared (a land bridge that connects the Americas), the shrimp could no longer travel between the oceans and evolved into different species. This an example of

sympatric speciation

allopatric speciation

punctuated speciation

genetic drift


Which of the following refers to a structure that is similar because of descent from a common ancestor (e.g. a human leg and a whale fin)?

Analogous structures

Antonymous structures

Synonymous structures

Homologous structures


Artic foxes have white fur and ptarmigan (birds) have white feathers that help them hide in the snow. Given that their common ancestor did not have white fur or white feathers, these structures are most likely

sister structures

homologous structures

divergent structures

analogous structure


Which of the following statements refers to phylogeny?

The science of studying the transmission of genetic information.

The science of classifying organisms.

method used to organize homologous traits to describe phylogenies using common descendent as the primary criterion used to classify organisms.

The evolutionary history and relationship of an organism or group of organism.

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
3 Mar 2019

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